Monday, September 23, 2013

Our Products Benefits

eauche Facial Set – A simple promise of having a beautiful skin in just one week.
We are an Authorized Dealer of Beauche International – Do you want to look 10years younger than your age? “We can make a difference on your face in just 7 days.”
Use Beauche Set now!!!… And share the goodness to everyone :) Stay young and beautiful.
Contents of One Set
1x Skin Toner
1x Clarifying Solution
1x Age Eraser Cream
1x Exfoliating Cream
1x Rejuvenating Cream
1x Beauty Bar Soap
A mild toner w/c is kind to skin with virtually no alcohol. Cleanses face with all kinds of surface dirt collected during the day and keeps the moisture of the upper layer of the skin. Helps stimulate the skin after cleansing and help maintain a protective acidic coating on the skin, which help to maintain the strength and cohesiveness of the skin.
Ingredients: Aqua , Ethyl Alcohol, Sodium Metabisulfate, Vit. C, Fragrance
Is a deep cleansing agent particularly formulated to eliminate dirt and environmental elements which might clog pores, whereby excess sebum is eliminated which is often a trigger of unsightly blemishes and pimples. It has Vit. A ,has tightening effect thus it tightens pores on our face, leaving skin smoother, firmer, and more finely-textured restoring the vitality of the skin.
Ingredients: Aqua, Hydroquinone < 0.3%, Tretinoin, Vit. A & C, Natural Extracts in Hydro-alcohol Base
Gives a natural pink glow effect on your face, clinically proven to reduce facial wrinkles. Contains SPF 35 to helps defend the skin from UV rays and repairs sun damage.
Ingredients: Aqua , Methyl Paraben, Parsol, Placentol, Collagen, Milk Lactates, Titanium Dioxide
One of the best things you can do for your skin is to exfoliate. It brings skin to a new level of smoothness, completely eliminates blemishes, reduces age spots, rashes and irritation. The gentle exfoliating in no time gives a smooth and supple skin.
Ingredients: Aqua, Methyl Paraben, Salicylic Acid, Stearyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol
Give new vigor to the skin’s ability to remain young. It evens out and brightens skin tone thus improving texture with natural moisture. It does not only eliminate excess pools of pigment, it also prevents unwanted skin color (melanin) from being formed in the first place.
Ingredients: Vitamin E & C, Hydroquinone < 0.3%, Petrolatum, Retinoic Acid, Stearyl Alcohol, Aqua, Methyl Paraben
It cleanses skin and helps eliminate pimples, skin pigmentation, white heads and black heads.
It restores the skin’s elasticity and suppleness when it is exposed to wind, UV rays or high temperature.
Ingredients: Virgin Coconut Oil, Kojic Acid, Papaya Enzyme
Our product is very good for skin irregularities like:
1. Pimples
2. Acne
3. Pigmentation
4. Discoloration
5. Oily face
6. Old skin/ Open pores
7. Black and White heads
8. It will eliminate wrinkles
9. It will firm your skin
10. It has a natural pink effect in your face
(so no need for you to put blush on and powder)
Our product is user friendly and hypo-allergenic
Night time:
1. Clean face, neck and arms with skin toner using facial cotton.
2. Wash face with Beauché bar soap.
3. Apply clarifying lotion with the upward stroke using facial cotton.
4. Put on generous amount of exfoliating cream. Do not rinse.
5. After 15 minutes, spread over substantial amount of rejuvenating cream in circular motion. Do not rinse. Let it stay overnight.
Day time:
1. Rub face with ice to close the pores and lift dead skin, and eliminates the night creams.
2. Wash face with Beauché bar soap.
3. Spread on face ample amount of age eraser cream to moisturize the skin and to protect from harmful UV rays.
INITIAL REACTION During the first week of application:
Redness of face Stinging sensation Appearance of new pimples Tightening of skin Do not prick your pimples, white heads, & black heads, for it will come out & eventually heal. Stability: The change of color of the product doesn’t affect its efficacy. It had undergone through aging process, and still safe to use.
ORDER NOW!!! at Beauche Online Shoppe